NACAA members,
We are excited to begin a series of professional improvement webinars under the title:
NACAA 365: Professional Development Series.
These free webinars, organized by the NACAA committees and the Council Chairs, are designed with you in mind. We invite you to register for each one that will take place the 2 nd and 4 th Wednesday of each month, January – June and August at 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
The webinar series is hosted on the NACAA Zoom platform and each webinar will also be recorded and available to you on the NACAA YouTube channel following the event. We know that you desire to learn and your NACAA is a professional improvement association, helping you to develop knowledge and skills to improve your effectiveness and success.
The series begins on January 13, 2021 with a follow-up by the keynote speaker of the 2020 AM/PIC, Michele Payn with a presentation entitled: "Translating Farm to Food: Have you looked into agriculture’s future?". This webinar was organized by the Ag Issues Committee. Michele is an agriculture advocate and will share her tips to help us as we work with the public and farmers.
Keep alert for an email from NACAA with the opportunity to register for the webinar. Then, on January 27, the Professional Excellence Committee will host the next webinar in the NACAA 365: Professional Development Series. We encourage you to mark your calendar for each one of the series and to promote these webinars within your state association.
I hope to see you in the Zoom audience as, together, we learn!
Phil Durst
Michigan State University Extension
NACAA Vice President