The Scholarship Program provides professional improvement opportunities for members. The funding is provided by the NACAA Educational Foundation.
Scholarships can be awarded to an individual or groups. In order to be eligible for up to $1,000, you must have contributed at least $40 to the fund. Members need to be vested at $100 to be eligible for up to $2,000 during their Extension career. No monetary award can be over $1,000 in any one year. The online application submission deadline is June 1 annually. The award recipients are selected on the 1st day of AM/PIC. This year applications were reviewed/awarded on July 10.
Scholarship funds are often used for :
➢ Advanced degree
➢ Conference (NACAA AM/PIC not eligible)
➢ Specialized training
➢ Workshop
➢ Short courses or event
This year, the only way to contribute money to the NACAA Education Foundation is by credit card or check. In order to apply for an educational Scholarship in 2021 or beyond you must become ‘vested’ before the end of the ‘Virtual’ AM/PIC (Oct. 1, 2020).
To contribute by credit card … Go to website ... http://nacaa.com
Click on “Donate to the NACAA Educational Foundation - Scholarship.”
Make check payable to: “NACAA Educational Foundation"
Mail check to: Scott Hawbaker
NACAA Executive Director
6584 W. Duroc Road
Maroa, IL 61756
Find out …. go to www.nacaa.com/scholarship/index.php then select your State & click ‘Continue’ . All contributions for current members are listed.
For ANSWERS to your SCHOLARSHIP QUESTIONS contact: Donna Hamlin Beliech, National Scholarship Chair, d.beliech@msstate.edu 601-825-1462.
NACAA Members,
The National Outstanding Farmers of America have extended their deadline for applications for the National Outstanding Young Farmers program until October 5, 2020. This program is an incredible opportunity for farmers under 40 years of age and their Extension Agents. Please nominate your eligible young farmers.
The following criteria must be met during the nomination process:
To qualify:
All NOYF Awards Program participants are judged on personal contributions in the following categories:
Call me at 706-465-2136 or email me at tcheely@uga.edu with questions.
Tammy Cheely
NACAA Liaison to NOYF
The NACAA strives to:
Advance the professional status of Extension agents and specialists with agriculture-related Extension appointments.
Encourage, promote, and provide professional improvement for all members.
Provide for the exchange of ideas, methods, and techniques.
Represent professional interests of members in matters of public policy and affairs.
Promote public confidence, esteem, and respect for Cooperative Extension.
Recognize professional excellence in Cooperative Extension nationwide.