Monday, December 28, 2020

NACAA 365: Professional Development Series

NACAA members,

We are excited to begin a series of professional improvement webinars under the title:

NACAA 365: Professional Development Series.


These free webinars, organized by the NACAA committees and the Council Chairs, are designed with you in mind. We invite you to register for each one that will take place the 2 nd and 4 th Wednesday of each month, January – June and August at 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.


The webinar series is hosted on the NACAA Zoom platform and each webinar will also be recorded and available to you on the NACAA YouTube channel following the event. We know that you desire to learn and your NACAA is a professional improvement association, helping you to develop knowledge and skills to improve your effectiveness and success.


The series begins on January 13, 2021 with a follow-up by the keynote speaker of the 2020 AM/PIC, Michele Payn with a presentation entitled: "Translating Farm to Food: Have you looked into agriculture’s future?". This webinar was organized by the Ag Issues Committee. Michele is an agriculture advocate and will share her tips to help us as we work with the public and farmers.

Keep alert for an email from NACAA with the opportunity to register for the webinar. Then, on January 27, the Professional Excellence Committee will host the next webinar in the NACAA 365: Professional Development Series. We encourage you to mark your calendar for each one of the series and to promote these webinars within your state association.


I hope to see you in the Zoom audience as, together, we learn!


Phil Durst

Michigan State University Extension

NACAA Vice President

Monday, December 21, 2020

JCEP Virtual Extension Leadership Conference Registration Now Open

Dear NACAA Members,

I bring your attention to the upcoming Extension Leadership Conference. Feb 10-11-12, 2021.

The deadline for the earlybird registration ends ($150)  January 22  and the regular ends ($200)  on Feb 9.

Please reference the following: Registration is first and then your will also use the Whova app for the schedule.

Encourage registration for the JCEP ELC Conference
All details can be found on
Direct link to registration page:  

We will have a scheduled time for Association meetings on Friday, February 12th from 2:00-4:15pm Eastern. You can find the schedule here.

Thank you!

J. Craig Williams

NACAA President.
Penn State Extension

Winter 2020 NACAA Regional Director Newsletter

Please find a PDF file of the Winter 2020 NACAA Regional Director Newsletter at the following link:

Information within this newsletter is for all NACAA Regions.

NACAA North Central Region Director

Jerry Clark, M.S., CCA

Agriculture Agent

Chippewa County

711 N. Bridge St. Rm. 13

Chippewa Falls, WI 54729

Ph.  715-726-7950

Fax: 715-726-7958

Thursday, December 17, 2020

2021 Italy Agriculture Market Study Tour

NACAA is in the process of working with our travel partner Explorations by Thor, to reschedule our postponed 2020 Italy Agriculture Market Study Tour for a new timeline of October 2-10, 2021.

A few days ago, an initial poll was sent to those who had signed up for (or who had expressed interest) in the 2020 trip.  The overall response received was overwhelmingly in favor of rescheduling.

We are now reaching out to our entire membership to gauge interest.  We realize that many of you may not be aware of what was originally scheduled – so here’s a link to what was planned for 2020.  The plans for now are to follow a similar timeline/schedule – so this document will definitely be updated for 2021 – once we see what interest there is by our entire membership.,2020.pdf

Future trips are already being scheduled for the fall of 2021 and the price for this Italy program will be $125 higher per person than last year with new COVID-19 restrictions.  Currently the Italian government mandates 15 travelers per 50 seat bus with a guide for social distancing.  This could change but that is the current status for in-country travel.  There is no need to commit to anything at this time but please fill out this quick form so we can gauge interest.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

State Officers Workshop (Virtual) Scheduled for January 5, 2021

Are you currently serving as a State Officer, or anticipate taking on a state leadership role in the very near future?  If so, this State Officer's Workshop is for you.

National Association of County Agriculture Agents

2020-2021 NACAA State Officer's Workshop

Tuesday, January 5, 2021 10:00am – 11:00am Central Time

Passcode: NACAA

Subjects to be discussed:

Can my state Host an AMPIC? Bill Burdine, President-Elect

Committee Structure Phil Durst, Vice President


Recruiting quality members into leadership

Duties of State Officers J.J. Jones, Southern Region

Responsibilities of President and Secretary

Updating Officer, Committee Chairs and Membership

NACAA Operations Jerry Clark, North Central Region

Policies and By-laws

Membership Dues and Voting Delegates

Purpose of State Visits

NACAA Scholarship Program David Handley, Northeast Region

Criteria for Scholarships

Single vs. Group Applications

Executive Director Duties/Other Opportunities Kurt Jones, Western Region

What is ED's role?

Who to contact: ED vs Regional Directors vs President?

JCEP/PILD Conference

Recognition and Awards Stuart Gauthier, Southern Region

DSA, AA, Hall of Fame, Service to American Agriculture

Other Awards - What is available and how to apply?

Eligibility and Requirements

Quick tour of the NACAA database and website update Connie Strunk, Secretary

Where things are and how to update

National Outstanding Young Farmer Program Tammy Cheely, OYF Liaison

Life Members Jerry Clark, North Central Region

How to keep Life Members engaged

State Chair responsibilities

Question and Answer Session Everyone