Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Create a Winning Poster

The professional Excellence Committee held an Elluminate session Tuesday July 7th. The recording is at:

This training was provided for advanced presenters and was conducted by Betsy Greene, one of last years national winners Henry Dorough, and Gary Zoubek, Professional Excellence Committee National Chair.

Information was provided about developing posters, how to prepare them, the scoring guide we've developed along with a Question & Answer session. Betsy has also made a video "Beginning Poster Building" that highlights the basics of preparing posters using PowerPoint.

If you want to test to make sure you have the required software, go to: http://www.elluminate.com/support - or contact John Dorner.

Poster requirements can be found at: http://www.nacaa.com/awards/2009_forms/poster_requirements.pdf This plus the judging criteria are available from the awards page at: http://www.nacaa.com/awards/

If you want to see some of last years posters they can be viewed at:

In Portland, poster will need to be setup on Sunday Sept. 20th between 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. We'll be judging them on the 21st!