Monday, April 14, 2014

NACAA First Timers Webinar

2014 NACAA AMPIC “First Timers” Webinar

Presented by NACAA – Early Career Development Committee
Friday, April 25, 2014
3:00 PM Eastern Time

Have you ever wondered about some of the opportunities at an Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement? Have you ever wondered exactly what do I get for attending these conferences? If you answered yes to either question or just want to make sure you’re getting the best bang for your trip, then this webinar is for you! Information will be shared about the NACAA AMPIC to be held in Mobile, Alabama from July 20-24th, the registration process, and tips and tricks from seasoned attendees to help you get the most out of the conference.

The Alabama Association of County Agricultural Agents and Specialists (AACAAS) and the NACAA Early Career Development Committee would like to extend an invitation and encourage you to attend the 2014 NACAA AMPIC. We are very excited about this year’s event and confident that the program offers opportunities for program sharing, motivational speakers, and meeting agents from across the U.S. Plus, the registration fee for any first timer with less than 10 years of experience is FREE!

The first step you need to take is getting registered. For someone new to the NACAA AMPIC, this can be somewhat of a daunting task. There is a very comprehensive schedule to navigate through and numerous decisions that need to be made on what to attend. Well, we’re here to help. The NACAA Early Career Development Committee is offering a free webinar that will hopefully make your decision to attend the NACAA AMPIC process much easier.

An hour-long webinar will be held on Friday, April 25, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. We plan to highlight the benefits of attending the NACAA AMPIC, what events and activities first timers and others can and should attend throughout the week and finally we will take you through the steps of the registration process. This will be a live webinar, so if you have any questions, the presenters will be glad to help you out.

Login instructions for participants:
Please run the following test to make sure that your computer and Internet speed are compatible:  Consider utilizing Internet Explorer Browser versus Google Chrome. I have been told to stay away from utilizing Chrome for this application. For those of you that have never been on a webinar it is important to make sure that your computer has been setup correctly.

Participants will need the following to participate:
  • An Internet connection
  • A supported operating system and web browser
  • Adobe Macromedia Flash Player 8 or higher
  • Adobe Macromedia Flash Player 9 or higher for Linux and Solaris
  • A sound card and either headphones or external speakers to receive audio

To broadcast audio and video or use screen and application sharing during an UMConnect meeting, you need the following:
  • Adobe Macromedia Flash Player 8 or higher
  • Adobe Acrobat Connect Meeting Add-in for Mac or PC
  •  Minimum 1 GHz processor is recommended when screen sharing
  •  Equipment for broadcasting audio and video, such as a web camera, headset with microphone, or external microphone and speakers

Please contact your university or institutional Tech Support office if you have any difficulties connecting to the Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro Meeting.

On the day of the webinar (April 25, 2014) you can enter the room 20 minutes before the scheduled start time of 3:00 PM Eastern Time. For questions beforehand, please contact Nathan Winter at 320-484-4303 or

Thursday, April 3, 2014

DAIReXNET Upcoming Webinar


 Roger Thomson, DVM  
 April 7th, 12:00 PM Central Time 
 The milking system is the heart of any dairy operation, and requires a lot of consideration! Dr. Thomson will talk about the design and analysis of a milking system, including some reasons a producer might consider changing the milking system, frequency of evaluation, and basic system design. He will also cover regular maintenance concerns and will discuss the National Mastitis Council's analysis fundamentals and goals.  

 Forage Evaluation: Wading Through a Sea of Numbers

Forage analysis reports from commercial feed testing laboratory often can contain more than 70 potential lab analyses. All those numbers have value in specific situations, but rarely, if ever, would one want or need all 70 results for a single sample. Some of the numbers are needed mainly for routine ration formulation (e.g., mineral concentrations) and some of the measurements might be needed to help solve specific problems (e.g., mycotoxin concentrations). A core set of analyses should be conducted routinely all forage samples.