Tuesday, April 17, 2012

First Timer's Webinar Link Now Available

Below is the link for archived First Timer’s Webinar that was held last Friday, April 13. The instructions for watching the archive are the same as they were for logging in live to watch.

If you have any questions or have difficulty with the archive, please do not hesitate to contact me at the information below.

Laura Griffeth, Ph.D.
Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, Webster and Stewart County
County Extension Coordinator, Webster County
P.O. Box 89
7235 Washington Street
Preston, GA 31824
229.828.5901 (fax)

Login instructions for Participants

At least 15 minutes before start time:

1) Plug-in your headset/microphone or desktop speakers

2) Select the following link to gain direct access to the archive:


Depending on your web browser settings, the next screen you receive may vary slightly.

a) If you receive a message "Pop-up blocked": click the message, select "Always Allow" Pop-ups from this site, and re-select the login link provided above.
b) If you receive a screen with the Room ID "ampic": click below this box, type your first_lastname, and select Enter. This will take you directly into the room for this session.
c) If you only receive a screen with Participant and Presenter login buttons: select "Participant Login", enter your first_lastname and select Enter
d) If prompted, run the Wimba Setup Wizard by selecting "Run Wizard".

Technical Support:
Please contact your university or institutional Tech Support office if you have any difficulties with the Wizard or accessing the Wimba room.

If you are having difficulty with Wimba, your Tech Support office may need the following information about open ports for Wimba media to work properly from your location:

For Firewalls, the following ports should be opened... For TCP, and alternate HTTP: 5998, 443 and port 5190
For UDP: port 5998, 33434, 5190, and 16384
For proxy servers you may only need to allow access for a given IP (UGA Wimba IP is

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