Listed below, please note three different online learning and participation opportunities that may be of interest to you in your quest for professional improvement. Details and enrollment information follows the event descriptions.
Rick Gibson, NACAA President
THREE WEBINAR OPPORTUNITIES1. Ethics in Today’s Extension World
Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 2 – 3 pm Eastern Time
2. ANREP and NACDEP Association meetings – South and East Region
Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 1:20 pm – 5:00 pm Eastern Time
- Change Brings Opportunity: What’s Up at CSRESS and What It Means to Our University Partners
- Estate Planning or Do I Need a Will?
- ANREP – NACDEP Open Discussion
3. ANREP and NACDEP Association meetings – Central and West Region
Thursday, February 19, 2009, 1:20 – 5:00 pm Western Time
- Change Brings Opportunity: What’s Up at CSRESS and What It Means to Our University Partners
- Beyond Just Talking about the Weather: Climate Science Extension in Arizona
- ANREP – NACDEP Open Discussion
Webinar details
Ethics in Today’s Extension World February 10, 2009 , 2 – 3 PM Eastern Time
$25 Registration fee – Participants will receive the url and connection information via email.
Print the registration form found at: and fax it to 704-333-6927 or register online at: Albert C. Pierce, Professor of Ethics and National Security at National Defense University
Dr Pierce has conducted highly regarded seminars on ethics for senior leaders as part of the National Defense University’s Capstone program for New Flag and General Officers. This presentation is a part of the Joint Council of Extension Professionals Regional meetings. The webcast may be cancelled if participation is not sufficient to cover costs.
ANREP and NACDEP Association meetings – South and East RegionWednesday, February 11, 2009
Times listed are Eastern Time zone
URL: _ pm Log-on, Welcome and Introductions
1:30 pm Change Brings Opportunity: What’s Up at CSRESS and What It Means to Our University Partners
Eric R. Norland, Ph.D., CF National Program Leader, Forest Resource Management
USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
The 2008 Farm Bill requires CSREES to transition into the National Institute for Food and Agriculture. Hear an update on the progress toward the National Institute, new programs that will result, and expanded opportunities for the Cooperative Extension System to participate in new competitive grants programs. Additionally, the new science organization in USDA will be discussed as well as the Department’s new Research, Education and Extension Office.
2:15 pm Estate Planning or Do I Need a Will?
Robert A. Tufts, PhD., J.D. Attorney and Associate Professor, Auburn University
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
Many states offer extension programs that include estate planning. Robert A. Tufts is both a forester and attorney. Robert’s teaching and research includes the areas of estate planning for landowners, business entities and property law issues for landowners. Learn why you should have an estate plan and what three documents constitute the estate plan. Discuss with Robert
questions you have about teaching these classes in an extension setting.
3:45 pm Opportunities for Collaboration – An Open discussion
ANREP President Mike Reichenbach and NACDEP President Ed Jones
Discussion will focus on current and potential areas of collaboration between JCEP associations. One example is the JCEP sustainability initiative. This is your chance to interact with ANREP and NACDEP members.
ANREP and NACDEP Association meetings – Central and West Region Thursday, February 19, 2009
Times listed are western time zone
URL: _ pm Log-on, Welcome and Introductions
1:30 pm Change Brings Opportunity: What’s Up at CSRESS and What It Means to Our University Partners
Eric R. Norland, Ph.D., CF, National Program Leader, Forest Resource Management
USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
The 2008 Farm Bill requires CSREES to transition into the National Institute for Food and Agriculture. Hear an update on the progress toward the National Institute, new programs that will result, and expanded opportunities for the Cooperative Extension System to participate in new competitive grants programs. Additionally, the new science organization in USDA will be discussed as well as the Department’s new Research, Education and Extension Office.
2:15 pm Beyond Just Talking about the Weather: Climate Science Extension in Arizona
Michael A. Crimmins, Ph.D.
3:45 PM Opportunities for Collaboration – An Open discussion
ANREP President Mike Reichenbach and NACDEP President Ed Jones
Discussion will focus on current and potential areas of collaboration between JCEP associations. One example is the JCEP sustainability initiative.
This is your chance to interact with ANREP and NACDEP members.
Webinar instructions:1. Test your computer for compatibility a day or so ahead of the meeting. Go to the url listed for the seminar you wish to attend. Click on the troubleshooting link to make sure that your computer has all that is needed to participate in an Adobe Connect meeting.
2. For the meeting, you will need speakers connected to your computer to hear the audio.
3. You will be able to send questions during the meeting via the chat function. Type your questions and comments and click on the button to send.
4. When entering the meeting, enter as a guest. Type you name as you would like others to see it. You may add your association abbreviation following your name. For example, Mike Reichenbach ANREP
Questions call Mike Reichenbach 218-726-6470
Mike Reichenbach
University of Minnesota Extension
Regional Office Cloquet
179 University Rd
Cloquet, MN 55720