Wednesday, February 25, 2015

$100 for the 100th Fund Drive Update

$100 for the 100th Fund Drive Update
Back in the October, 2014 issue of the County Agent Magazine, a special fund drive was announced to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of NACAA.  The “$100 for the 100th” fund drive has a goal of helping the NACAA Educational Foundation reach their financial goal of $1 Million by 2025.  The NACAA Educational Foundation is the organization which funds the NACAA Scholarship Program.

We have great news!  Since the program has been announced, we have received over $2,100 towards this effort.  Donations have been recorded from both active and life members alike…although the life members are currently leading in the $100 contributions!  Thank you very much to those members who have already contributed to our special fundraising campaign.

The NACAA Educational Foundation has now issued a special incentive tied to the $100 for the 100th.  Here are the details:
·        *   For every $25,000 in donations received, the Foundation will reimburse (1) early-bird registration fee for the 2015 AM/PIC in Sioux Falls, SD!
·         *  Up to 4 registration fees will be reimbursed:  1 reimbursement for $25,000; 2 for $50,000; 3 for $75,000; and 4 for $100,000 and over
·        *  Incentive is open to both active and life members
·        *  Only individuals donating at the $100 level or above are eligible (no state association donations are eligible) 
      *   Incentive is open to members who do not get their reimbursement through NACAA (ex: committee chairs/vice chairs already get registration fee waived)

Donations for the $100 for the 100th will continue to be received through June 1.  At that time, those who have contributed at the $100 level will be entered into the drawing, and the NACAA Educational Foundation will select the winners.  All levels of contributions are appreciated…from $1 to $100 or more; it all helps the Foundation reach their goal.

If you are not vested in the NACAA Scholarship program, this is a great way to become vested!  A $100 contribution means you are fully vested in the program, and are eligible to receive up to $2,000 in scholarships….where else can you get that kind of return on an investment?  Scholarships can be used for advanced education, attend specialized training or conferences, group tours, giving a presentation at a conference (both domestically and abroad), the list goes on and on…. With travel budgets being reduced in many states, this is one way for you to receive funds to receive your much needed professional development.

How do I make a donation?  You can pay by either credit card or check.  To pay by credit card, simply visit the NACAA homepage ( and click on “Donate to the NACAA Educational Foundation - Scholarship” at the bottom of the page.  

Checks should be made payable to the NACAA Educational Foundation and sent to:
Dwane Miller, NACAA Scholarship Chair
1202 Ag Center Drive
Pottsville, PA 17901
Please include $100 for the 100th on the memo line of your check, so we can accurately track contributions toward this effort.
Thank you for being a special part of NACAA’s 100th Anniversary!
Cynthia Gregg, NACAA President Elect
Frank FitzSimons, President, NACAA Educational Foundation
Dwane Miller, NACAA Scholarship Committee

Friday, February 13, 2015

DAIReXNET Formulating Diets for Groups of Lactating Cows Webinar

Formulating Diets for Groups of Lactating Cows 

Bill Weiss, The Ohio State University  

 February 26, 2015 

 12:00 PM Central Time 

Formulating accurate diets for lactating dairy cows requires users to input body weight, milk production, milk composition and perhaps other factors such as days in milk and parity. If you are only feeding one cow, those numbers are easy to get, but if you are formulating for a group of cows, what numbers should you use?

This webinar will discuss:

· Proper cow specification inputs for various nutrients

· Factors affecting those inputs

· Grouping criteria that result in more accurate diets

Top Ways to Tweak Dairy Nutrition Management to Improve Profitability: Part 2

Excellent dairy managers are always looking for and finding ways to improve the performance and profitability of their dairy herds. Often, the primary emphasis is placed on considering changes to the nutritional program for the milking herd as suggested by current research. In last month’s feature article, some of these potential management areas were explored. Although these areas are extremely important, tweaking the nutritional and management programs for heifers and dry cows is just as important, and sometimes more so. In addition, other components of a herd management program affect the nutrition program and, ultimately, profitability. Here you will find information on some of the areas to consider fine-tuning management programs for dairy heifers, calves, and dry cows and how the nutrition program is affected by other management practices.

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