Wednesday, December 18, 2013

JCEP Professional of the Year (POY) Award - Jan. 31 Deadline

JCEP Professional of the Year (POY) Award
The Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) sponsors the Professional of the Year Award annually to encourage and recognize experienced and successful Extension professionals for their long-term commitment to developing outstanding interdisciplinary programs.
AWARDOne award of $1000 and one plaque will be presented to an extension professional from each JCEP organization (ANREP, ESP, NACDEP, NACAA, NAE4-HA, and NEAFCS) a maximum of six (6) awards per calendar year.
PURPOSEThe purpose of this award is to recognize individuals who demonstrate successful interdisciplinary partnerships across many program areas with colleagues and stakeholders for consistent programs of excellence for a significant part of their extension career. Impact at the local, regional, state or
national level is essential.
This award’s intent is to be an award of excellence, not a lifetime award.
The deadline date for nominations/submission is January 31, 2014

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Upcoming DAIReXNET Webinars

Dr. Jason Karszes, Cornell University

December 16, 2013 12:00 PM Central

Dr. Karszes will discuss some key items every dairy farmer should consider in heifer raising. He will cover the costs involved, factors that influence those costs, the economic impact of the replacement program on the dairy farm's performance, and several other factors to consider in a replacement program. 

Other Upcoming Webinars

January Basic Vaccinology: Why Vaccines Work or Don’t Work– Dr. Dan Grooms


February Forage Fermentation: How to Make Good Silage– Dr. Limin Kung

Setting Nutrient Specifications for Formulating Diets for Groups of Lactating Dairy Cows

Most software used to formulate diets requires inputs for a specific dairy cow. For example, a diet might be formulated for a third-lactation, 1,450-lb cow producing 80 lb/day of milk with 3.8% fat and 3.1% protein, but most cows in the United States are housed and fed in groups. The nutrient specification goals, such as the concentrations of metabolizable protein, used in diet formulation for groups of cows can have a substantial impact on income over feed costs, and they should be considered carefully.  

Follow us on Twitter for updates and conversation on the dairy industry.

Information on upcoming webinars and everything you need to know to attend.

An archive of all of our past webinars, with recordings and PowerPoint files.

Visit the DAIReXNET home page to see other relevant resources.

Looking or another way to connect with us? Like the DAIReXNET Facebook Page!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Upcoming DAIReXNET Webinar- Discovering Hidden Feed Costs for the Milking Herd

Michael Brouk, Kansas State University

November 7, 2013 12:00 PM Central

Unsure of where your dairy's feeding program might be leaking money? Dr. Brouk will help you do a little detective work to identify some common sources of unseen feed costs in a dairy herd. Just a few areas he plans to cover include commodity shrink, mixer errors, refusals, and expense of inventory. 

Other Upcoming Webinars

December Critical Economic Decisions when Raising Heifers– Dr. Jason Karszes


January Basic Vaccinology: Why Vaccines Work or Don’t Work– Dr. Dan Grooms


February Forage Fermentation: How to Make Good Silage– Dr. Limin Kung

Processing Cereal Grains Fed to Dairy Cattle

Optimizing feed efficiency and income over feed costs on dairy farms is very important since feed is the highest cost associated with producing milk. Some of the primary dietary areas for achieving high feed efficiency are feeding high quality forage, providing optimum balance of protein and carbohydrates for rumen health, and high digestibility of the cereal grains.

Please contact Nancy McGill at 
with questions and concerns.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Farm Crisis Planning Webinar - October 23rd

 The National Pork Board is extremely excited to be hosting this Webinar for just the Extension Educators from across the United States.  As I visited with several of you in Pittsburg, PA at the Galaxy Conference.  This program is designed to assist a producers set up a Crisis Plan for their operation.  We at the National Pork Board have modified the original intent of the program and have applied this program to other areas of our industry.  We have taken most all of our state pork office staff their this program and each of them have utilized the temples to develop a plan for the office.  The other way we’ve adapted the program is we have taken the National Junior Swine Organizations through the Crisis Planning as well to allow these groups to establish a Crisis Plan for the different shows that they host across the country. 

The National Pork Board feels that each of you Extension Educators could utilize pieces of these templates within your own counties. 
A reason each of you should attend this Webinar on Crisis Planning program is to be able to utilize the Crisis Planning templates for you county fairs, field days or other activities you each host.  It never hurts to be prepared. 

Below you will find the information needed to get signed up for the Webinar.
Thank you
Dinah Peebles
Certifications Manager.

National Pork Board invites you to attend this online meeting.

Topic: Crisis Planning Webinar- Ex
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Time: 10:00 am, Central Daylight Time (Chicago, GMT-05:00)
Meeting Number: 572 206 760
Meeting Password: P0rk

To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
1. Go to
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: P0rk
4. Click "Join".

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To join the audio conference only
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4490
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Access code:572 206 760

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1. Go to
2. On the left navigation bar, click "Support".

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: This WebEx service includes a feature that allows audio and any documents and other materials exchanged or viewed during the session to be recorded. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to the recording, discuss your concerns with the meeting host prior to the start of the recording or do not join the session. Please note that any such recordings may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

National Extension Climate Science Initiative Conference and In-service Workshop; Oct 28-30, 2013, Cloquet, MN

Does addressing climate impacts through your Extension program interest you, but not sure about how to get it started? 

Learn more at the:
National Extension Climate Science Initiative Conference and In-service Workshop

October 28-30, 2013
Cloquet, Minnesota

All JCEP members are invited.

Please open the above link for more information,
or contact Chris Jones at if you have any questions.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Galaxy IV Early Bird Registration - ends July 15th

Save $45 on Early Bird Registration 

for Galaxy IV - deadline ends July 15th

If you're interested in saving $45 on the registration fees for Galaxy IV - you must register by July 15, 2013.   
Early Bird Registration:  June 1, 2013 - July 15, 2013 - $450
Regular Registration:  July 16, 2013 - August 15, 2013 - $495
Late Registration:  August 15, 2013 - September 1, 2013 - $550
Online Registration Closes:  September 2, 2013 (Walk-ins only available after this date.)
Two Day Registration: $350
One Day Registration: $250

NACAA Members may register at the following link:

On this page, specific details are available about the conference schedule and activities.  To register - look in the upper right hand corner for the word "Register".

If you have questions at any time during the registration process, please call 1-877-778-2937 for assistance.

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 12th Webinar - "Using Technology To Reach A Changing Clientle"

Below is the announcement of one of the programs the NACAA Ag Issues and Public Relations Committee will host this year. Thanks to some guidance from the National Board and our own internal discussions, one issue we would like to help our colleagues gain insight is "How does one reach a growing clientele base that does not read a newsletter?"

Please extend with me a special thanks to Dr. Bill Burdine, Mississippi State and Southern Region Vice Chair of the Ag Issues and Public Relations Committee, for arranging Dr. Catchot to spend some time with us. Details of the event are below:

Meeting Name: Dr. Cachot - Using Technology To Reach A Changing Clientle
Summary: Dr. Angus Catchot, Extension Entomologist, uses Blogs, Podcasts and Twitter to educate his Tech-Savvy following. Join us to see how he gets 8-10k hits/month from around the world. If social media is accepted by Mississippi producers, it can work for anyone anywhere.
Invited By: Bekah Sparks (
When: 07/12/2013 12:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Time Zone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US and Canada)

To join the meeting:

Scott Gabbard, AgNR Educator
Purdue Extension – Shelby County
1600 E SR 44, Ste C
Shelbyville, IN 46176
317.392.4928 (fax)


Purdue University. An equal access, equal opportunity university.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Outstanding Young Farmer Applications Due August 1st

Hopefully you have recently received some information about the National Outstanding Young Farmers Awards Program from your State President.  We all work with outstanding producers that need and deserve to be recognized for their accomplishments!

At this link you will find another copy of the entry form for this award, as well as a here for a copy of the rules.  The entry form must be submitted electronically by August 1, 2013.   

Please keep in mind that there are several eligibility guidelines that must be met by your nominated farmer.  Some of which include being between the ages of 21 and 40 and not becoming 41 prior to January 1, 2014, and deriving a minimum of 2/3 of their income from farming.

There were only 13 nominations across the county last year for this award.  NACAA is one of the National sponsors, so finding good candidates for this award will be beneficial to everyone!

Feel free to call or email with any questions you may have.
Thank you,

Wes Smith

Friday, June 14, 2013

2013 Galaxy IV "Same Stuff Different Day" Webinar Presented by NACAA

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
11 AM – 12 PM Eastern Time

Have you ever wondered what really went on at an Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference or this year at the Galaxy IV Conference? Have you ever wondered exactly what do I get for attending these conferences? If you answered yes to either question or just want to make sure you’re getting the best bang for your trip, then this webinar is for you! Information will be shared about the Galaxy IV Conference, the registration process, and tips and tricks from seasoned attendees to help you get the most out of the conference.

The Pennsylvania Association of County Agricultural Agents and the NACAA Early Career Development Committee would like to extend an invitation and encourage you to attend the 2013 Galaxy IV Conference in Pittsburgh, PA this September. We are very excited about this year’s event and confident that the program offers opportunities for program sharing, motivational speakers, and meeting agents from across the U.S. Plus, the registration fee for any first timer with less than 10 years of experience is FREE!

The first step you need to take is getting registered. For someone new to AM/PIC or Galaxy, this can be somewhat of a daunting task. There is a very comprehensive schedule to navigate through and numerous decisions that need to be made on what to attend. Well, we’re here to help. The NACAA Early Career Development Committee is offering a free webinar that will hopefully make your decision to attend the Galaxy IV Conference and the registration process much easier.

An hour-long webinar will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 at 11:00 am Eastern Time. We plan to highlight the benefits of attending the Galaxy IV Conference, what events and activities first timers and others can and should attend throughout the week, and, finally, we’ll take you through the steps of the registration process. This will be a live webinar, so if you have any questions, the presenters will be glad to help you out.

Login instructions for Participants
At least 15 minutes before start time:
1) Plug-in your headset/microphone or desktop speakers
2) Select the following link to gain direct access to this training session:
Depending on your web browser settings, the next screen you receive may vary slightly.
a) If you receive a message "Pop-up blocked": click the message, select "Always Allow" Pop-ups from this site, and re-select the login link provided above.
b) If you receive a screen with the Room ID "ampic": click below this box, type your first_lastname, and select Enter. This will take you directly into the room for this session.
c) If you only receive a screen with Participant and Presenter login buttons: select "Participant Login", enter your first_lastname and select Enter
d) If prompted, run the Wimba Setup Wizard by selecting "Run Wizard".

Technical Support:
Please contact your university or institutional Tech Support office if you have any difficulties with the Wizard or accessing the Wimba room.

On the day of the webinar (June 26, 2013) you can enter the room 20 minutes before the scheduled start time of 11:00 AM Eastern Time. For questions beforehand, please contact Laura Griffeth at 229-828-2325 or

Also watch the e-County Agent and the NACAA website. Those sources will have an electronic link to the hosting site as well as the instructions for Wimba.

Monday, June 3, 2013

2013 Horticulture Post Tour

A note from NACAA Horticulture National Chair - Stacey Bealmear
As we get closer to this years AM/PIC, I'd like to remind you about the 2013 horticulture tour. It will be held as a post tour this year (September 20th and 21st 2013) due to Galaxy. Our Pennsylvania hosts have put together an OUTSTANDING tour that includes horticulture, local foods, turf and more. If you are interested in attending, please see the information below.

September 20th-
Stop 1) Bob O'Connor Golf Course at Schenley Park. This course is Audubon certified to enhance wildlife habitat, reduce pesticide use and other possible harmful impacts.
Stop 2) Master Gardener demonstration garden followed by lunch with the Master Gardeners.
Stop 3) Harvest Valley Farms, a fourth generation family farm that provides produce through CSAs, farm markets, and roadside stands.
Stop 4) Quality Gardens of Valencia. This nursery/garden center offers landscaping services, educational seminars and a farmers market.

September 21st-
Stop 1) Janoski's Farm and Greenhouse is a 200 acre farm that grows vegetables and fruits for sale year round in their farmers market. They offer sessionally available produce along with freshly baked goods made on site. They also have a greenhouse where they grow a variety of plants from Easter flowers, spring bedding plants, fall mums and Christmas flowers.
Stop 2) Gardens of Ogelby Resort and Conference Center for lunch and a garden tour. The gardens are a re-creation of many that existed in Oglebay in the early 1900s. Visitors are enticed to wander on red brick paths through the ever-changing flower displays, hanging baskets and majestic trees. These lovely sites are made even more memorable by the addition of soft landscape lighting and water displays. 
Sponsorship for the tour has been attained from EcoScraps thanks to Jim Hruskoci, a former NACAA member and extension educator. With the sponsorship we hope to pay for most of the tour expenses (hotel, food, and tour transportation) for NACAA members. Non-members are welcome if room permits but their costs will not be covered.
The application will be excepted until August 1, 2013 or earlier if the tour fills up. For more information about registration please see page 7 of December issue of The County Agent.

For more information on the tour stops please see the following links.
      Harvest Valley Farms-
      Quality Gardens of Valencia-
Janoski's Farm and Greenhouse-
Gardens of Ogelby Resort and Conference Center-

For more information on EcoScraps-

If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know!

Stacey Bealmear
Urban Horticulture Agent
Yuma County Cooperative Extension

Friday, May 31, 2013

Galaxy Registration Now Open!

Registration for Galaxy IV has officially 

opened TODAY - May 31, 2013

NACAA Members may register at the following link:

On this page, specific details are available about the conference schedule and activities.  To register - look in the upper right hand corner for the word "Register".

If you have questions at any time during the registration process, please call 1-877-778-2937 for assistance.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Galaxy Registration & Questions

A note from the Galaxy Committee (JCEP):

By now you are aware that the opening of registration for Galaxy IV has been delayed. The Galaxy Committee is in the process of adding the final pieces of content to the system and hope to begin final testing by the end of the week. You will receive an email when registration is open. In the meantime, we are aware that you may have questions, so we've put together this "Delayed Registration FAQ" based on questions we are receiving. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh!

Where is my association staying? You are free to stay at the hotel of your choice but if you wish to stay at the hotel designated for your association, please note the information below:

1. Omni William Penn- NAE4-HA
2. Renaissance- NEAFCS
3. Marriott City Center- NACAA
4. Wyndham- ESP and NACEP
5. Doubletree- ANREP

Can I reserve my room ahead of registering for galaxy? No, you must reserve your rooms during registration. There are rooms being held for the conference and room availability will not be a problem.

Can I reserve my room myself at the hotel? No, the hotel is coordinating all room reservations through the reservation system. Once you register your reservation request will be sent to the hotel and they will provide a confirmation number for your reservation which will be sent to you. Please review your reservation information closely upon receipt to make sure the reservation dates and room type are accurate.

What if my registration fee is being paid using funds that must be spent before June 1? We will assist those who must spend money before June 1st with registration prepayment. Please contact Laurie Yearick at 814-865-8301 to process your early payment. This will not register you for the conference. You must go in and register when registration opens and your early payment will then be applied to your registration.

What if I want to reserve a suite at the hotel? Suites are not an option in the registration process. If you would like a suite, please contact Mary Seaton at .

Who should I contact if I need more information?
Please contact Mary Seaton at