Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Early Career Development on Facebook!

The Early Career Development Committee has established a discussion group on Facebook. You are invited to join the "NACAA - Early Career Development Group".

Our goal is to use Facebook to facilitate discussion and interaction of NACAA members, particularly those with 5 years or less experience in Cooperative Extension, on relevant topics related to their careers, daily work, and programming. We also will post upcoming events such as the Annual Meeting/Professional Improvement Conference's educational sessions, business meetings, etc. All are invited to join regardless of career stage.

To see more details and confirm this group invitation, click on the following link:

If you are new to Facebook, you can register at or click on the “Sign Up” button when you connect to the group’s page. It's free and anyone can join.

In addition, you can always check out our wiki on the NACAA web site for more information about our committee – regional and state contacts,the committee's goals and objectives, and educational materials and opportunities you can participate in.

NACAA Early Career Development Committee
Daniel Kluchinski, Chair

Friday, June 12, 2009

Audience Response Systems – What are they? How would I use it?

At the NACAA AM/PIC in Portland in September the Turning Point audience response systems will be used for everything from selection of door prize winners to evaluation of sessions thanks to a partnership between NACAA and Turning Technologies. While many of you are already using this technology in your program development, others are asking what it is and how you might use it to enhance your programs. We hope to provide answers for you through this and other releases as well as through the demonstrations at AM/PIC.

What is it and how does it work?

lg_response_cards_RF.jpgThe audience response system we will use will work with special software that you download onto your computer, a receiver and a responder card. When you check in at AM/PIC you will be assigned a responder card which you will use during the conference and then return prior to your departure. Computers with evaluations already loaded will be used in each of the sessions. You will simply use your responder card to answer the questions that will appear as part of a PowerPoint presentation. It’s as easy as using your television remote. Committee chairs will receive training during the committee luncheon on Sunday in preparation for their workshops.

How is it beneficial?

Audience response systems allow you to receive immediate feedback. They are frequently used in large classroom settings to conduct “attendance” quizzes. They can be used to gauge an audience’s understanding of the topic so you know whether the message is getting across or to provide other input during a presentation. You may use them as a simple ice-breaker to get the audience involved in a presentation and keep them involved throughout the presentation. At past AM/PICs you may recall the paper evaluation you completed at the end of each workshop. The committee chairs collected these and then tabulated the responses by hand and entered them into a spreadsheet. With this system, the tabulation will be complete and the responses will be stored in a spreadsheet before the last participant leaves the workshop allowing our committee chairs more time to spend addressing programmatic issues.

For more information, visit the Turning Technologies website at In our next article we will share ideas from educators who have audience response systems on ways to incorporate it into your educational program.

Registration for NACAA AM/PIC now On-line

The May 2009 edition of The County Agent has been mailed and on-line registration is now available for the 2009 AM/PIC. The early registration deadline is July 15, 2009 – so don’t wait to get signed up for YOUR Professional Improvement Conference. If for some reason you have not received your magazine, please contact the NACAA office to have one mailed to you – or find the link on-line for the registration forms (or the entire magazine). These are available in PDF format: or

Registration can be found at

Just a reminder…in order to participate in activities at the AM/PIC – EACH individual must be a PAID registrant. This would include participating in Tour Day and all other activities. The Professional Improvement Tours are being held on Thursday, September 24, 2009 (a change from previous years) – so make your lodging plans accordingly. All Professional Improvement Tours will have a $20 fee to help defray the transportation costs of travelling across the great Northwest. Don’t forget to add that expense to your registration form if registering by hard copy.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Outstanding Young Farmers of America - Awareness Effort

One of the primary responsibilities of the Agricultural Issues & Public Relations Committee is to carry out NACAA’s responsibilities with the Outstanding Young Farmers of America program. Foremost of these responsibilities is the solicitation of nominations. I am pleased to report this past year an outstanding 80% of the nominations came from our membership. Thank you to everyone who nominated one of your outstanding farmers.

In an effort to increase nominations, the Agricultural Issues & Public Relations Committee will be hosting a teleconference explaining the program, how it benefits farmers, how it benefits our membership, and the nomination process. The procedures for participating in this teleconference are:

1. Regional vice chairs will forward this correspondence along with a PDF of the PowerPoint presentation (attached to this e-mail) to the appropriate state leadership within each Extension Region.

2. Interested parties are encourage to print off the presentation (or have it available on screen) for viewing when calling in for one of the interactive teleconference.

3. The teleconferences will be held on the following dates: June 18th, 3:00 p.m. central time, and June 25th 10:00 a.m. central time.

a. The call in number is: 1-866-503-5760

b. The conference code is: 2177943700#

The Outstanding Young Farmer Program is sponsored by Deere & Company, supported by the Outstanding Farmers of America Fraternity, and the National Association of County Agriculture Agents. The program is administered by The United States Junior Chamber of Commerce.

I hope each of you will join in for the teleconference. If you have questions or need additional information please contact your respective regional vice chair.

North East - Glenn Rogers, VT 802-524-6501, extension 210

North Central - Dan Downing, MO 573-882-0085

Southern - Jerry Clemons, AR 870-246-2281

Western - Norman Suverly, WA 509-422-7245

Nominations are due each year to the U.S. Jaycees National Headquarters no later than August 1st, 2009. Please take a moment to visit the Jaycees web site (OYF - U.S. Jaycees) and submit a nomination on behalf of one of your outstanding young producers.